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Unit 9

look! The sea!

speaker Look, children! A whale! play_circle pause_circle
speaker Wow! It's huge! play_circle pause_circle
speaker I can see dolphins. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Where? I can't see. play_circle pause_circle
speaker They're between the whale and the island. play_circle pause_circle
speaker I can see a big jellyfish. Look! play_circle pause_circle
speaker What's that behind the dolphins? play_circle pause_circle
speaker Is it a shark? play_circle pause_circle
speaker Yes, it is. play_circle pause_circle
speaker I can't see. Jon's in front of me. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Come here. Stand next to me. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Yesterday there was a big hippo under the balloon. play_circle pause_circle
speaker There were lions and zebras, too. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Today there are sharks and dolphins. play_circle pause_circle
speaker This is a fantastic trip! play_circle pause_circle
speaker What's that in the sky? play_circle pause_circle
speaker It's an eagle. play_circle pause_circle
speaker It's a very big eagle. play_circle pause_circle
speaker listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson 2: Conversation

speaker Cover the picture. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Ok. play_circle pause_circle
speaker What can you remember? play_circle pause_circle
speaker There was a house. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Yes. play_circle pause_circle
speaker There were two birds on the house. play_circle pause_circle
speaker No! There were three birds. play_circle pause_circle
speaker There was a tree next to the house. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Yes. play_circle pause_circle
speaker There were five apples on the tree. play_circle pause_circle
speaker No! There were six apples. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Yes. You're right. play_circle pause_circle
speaker Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

The aquarium

From: Sam@fastmail.com play_circle pause_circle
To: Ben play_circle pause_circle
Subject: The aquarium play_circle pause_circle
Hi Ben, play_circle pause_circle
Are you having a great holiday? play_circle pause_circle
We are! play_circle pause_circle
Yesterday we were at the aquarium. play_circle pause_circle
It was fantastic! play_circle pause_circle
There were ten grey dolphins. play_circle pause_circle
They were friendly and very funny. play_circle pause_circle
They were noisy,too. play_circle pause_circle
There were three black and white whales but they weren't very big. play_circle pause_circle
There were sharks behind the rocks. play_circle pause_circle
They weren't friendly and I was scared! play_circle pause_circle
There were lots of little fish. play_circle pause_circle
Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety! play_circle pause_circle
There were a hundred little fish! play_circle pause_circle
The colours were very pretty. play_circle pause_circle
They were blue, yellow and silver. play_circle pause_circle
There was one huge rock play_circle pause_circle
Next to it there was a very long black and yellow snake. play_circle pause_circle
This snake can swim in the sea. play_circle pause_circle
There was a beautiful jellyfish. play_circle pause_circle
It was in front of the rock. play_circle pause_circle
It was pink and blue. play_circle pause_circle
I am sending you these pictures. Do you like them? play_circle pause_circle
What are you doing today? play_circle pause_circle
Please send an email. play_circle pause_circle
Sam play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle