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Unit 3

Save Henry!

Save Henry! play_circle pause_circle
Part 3: Here come the workmen! play_circle pause_circle
Here come the workmen! play_circle pause_circle
The builder can mend the barn and the house. play_circle pause_circle
The painter can paint the house. play_circle pause_circle
The plumber can fix the water pipes. play_circle pause_circle
The carpenter can mend the stable and the gate! play_circle pause_circle
Alfie, you can help him. play_circle pause_circle
Ok! play_circle pause_circle
Take your ruler. How wide is the gate? How high is it? play_circle pause_circle
I've got my camera. I can take photos. play_circle pause_circle
Excellent! play_circle pause_circle
Max and I can write about everything. Come on, Max! play_circle pause_circle
Oh dear, oh dear! play_circle pause_circle
What's the matter, Mr Oats? play_circle pause_circle
How can I pay these workmen? I'm not a rich man. Oh dear, oh dear! There's only one thing I can do. play_circle pause_circle
What's that? play_circle pause_circle
I can sell Henry. play_circle pause_circle
Henry? Your beautiful horse? Oh no! play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson 2: Conversation

How tall are you, Ben? play_circle pause_circle
I'm 1 metre 50 centimetres. play_circle pause_circle
I'm 1 metre 40 centimetres. play_circle pause_circle
I'm taller than you. play_circle pause_circle
How long is your hand? play_circle pause_circle
I don't know. play_circle pause_circle
Let's measure it. play_circle pause_circle
It's 12 centimetres long. play_circle pause_circle
How wide is your hand? play_circle pause_circle
It's 8 centimetres wide. play_circle pause_circle
Your hand is wider than my hand. play_circle pause_circle
It's longer, too. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

A helicopter pilot

A helicopter pilot play_circle pause_circle
Helicopter play_circle pause_circle
This can fly at 200 kilometres an hour. play_circle pause_circle
Sunglasses - Helmet - Headset play_circle pause_circle
Earphones - The pilot listens to people on the ground. play_circle pause_circle
Microphone - The pilot can speak to people on the ground. play_circle pause_circle
This pilot flies a helicopter. play_circle pause_circle
The helicopter can fly quickly over mountains. play_circle pause_circle
It can land on hills. play_circle pause_circle
It is smaller than a plane but it is faster than a motorbike. play_circle pause_circle
The pilot's job is often exciting. play_circle pause_circle
The pilot wears a helmet. It is very hard. play_circle pause_circle
The helmet protects his head. play_circle pause_circle
He wears sunglasses. play_circle pause_circle
Sometimes the sun shines very brightly. play_circle pause_circle
The sunglasses protect his eyes. play_circle pause_circle
The pilot wears a headset under his helmet. play_circle pause_circle
Sometimes he talks to a lifeguard on a beach. play_circle pause_circle
Sometimes he talks to a fireman at a fire. play_circle pause_circle
He speaks into the microphone. play_circle pause_circle
He can hear people through the earphones. play_circle pause_circle
A hospital nurse play_circle pause_circle
Hospital play_circle pause_circle
This hospital is bigger than a school. play_circle pause_circle
Lots of doctors and nurses work here. play_circle pause_circle
Pen - Scissors - Pocket play_circle pause_circle
Watch - This is upside-down. play_circle pause_circle
Uniform - This can be different colours. play_circle pause_circle
Belt play_circle pause_circle
This nurse works in a hospital. play_circle pause_circle
There are lots of people in the hospital and she is always busy. play_circle pause_circle
Sometimes people come to the hospital by helicopter. play_circle pause_circle
The nurse's job is interesting but sometimes it is difficult, too. play_circle pause_circle
She wears a blue uniform. play_circle pause_circle
She wears a white belt. play_circle pause_circle
She has a watch on her uniform. play_circle pause_circle
She can always look at the time easily and quickly. play_circle pause_circle
She carries a pen in her pocket. play_circle pause_circle
She writes notes about the people in the hospital. play_circle pause_circle
She carries scissors too. play_circle pause_circle
These are useful in her job. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle