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Unit 5

Save Henry!

Save Henry! play_circle pause_circle
Part 5: The competition play_circle pause_circle
Ok. Let's talk about the competition. play_circle pause_circle
We need good ideas. play_circle pause_circle
I can take photos with my camera. play_circle pause_circle
I can take photos with my mobile phone. play_circle pause_circle
My dad's got a video camera. We can use that. play_circle pause_circle
Fantastic! We can video the farm. play_circle pause_circle
We can interview Mr Oats. play_circle pause_circle
Good idea, Lulu! play_circle pause_circle
We can interview the animals! play_circle pause_circle
Don't be silly, Molly! play_circle pause_circle
It's not a bad idea, you know. play_circle pause_circle
We can do their voices. play_circle pause_circle
Yes! That's funny! play_circle pause_circle
We need music. We need a song about Henry. play_circle pause_circle
Or a rap! Listen to this! play_circle pause_circle
Pear Tree Farm is a really cool place. play_circle pause_circle
Henry the horse can put a smile on your face. play_circle pause_circle
We can call the programme 'Save Henry'! play_circle pause_circle
I like it! play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson 2: Conversation

Good morning, madam. Can I help you? play_circle pause_circle
Yes. Can I see that red mobile phone? play_circle pause_circle
Of course. Here you are. play_circle pause_circle
How much does it cost? play_circle pause_circle
It costs £100. play_circle pause_circle
Oh! That's very expensive. play_circle pause_circle
The blue one is cheaper. play_circle pause_circle
Really? How much is it? play_circle pause_circle
It's £50. play_circle pause_circle
Excellent! Here's £50. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Let's listen to music!

Let's listen to music! play_circle pause_circle
Do you like music? play_circle pause_circle
Do you listen at home? play_circle pause_circle
Look at the pictures on these pages. play_circle pause_circle
These machines play music. play_circle pause_circle
There are old machines and new machines. play_circle pause_circle
First there was the phonograph. play_circle pause_circle
Thomas Edison invented it in 1877. play_circle pause_circle
He recorded music onto the cylinder. play_circle pause_circle
The cylinder is wood and metal. play_circle pause_circle
It turned round and round. play_circle pause_circle
It played the music. play_circle pause_circle
After that there was the gramophone. play_circle pause_circle
It played round, flat discs. play_circle pause_circle
There were songs on the discs. play_circle pause_circle
Usually, there was only one singer and a piano. play_circle pause_circle
Many people liked these big gramophones. play_circle pause_circle
A family listened together in their living room. play_circle pause_circle
Next, people invented the microphone. play_circle pause_circle
They recorded big bands. play_circle pause_circle
There were lots of drums, trumpets and singers. play_circle pause_circle
It was very exciting. play_circle pause_circle
lots of people wanted the music. play_circle pause_circle
The new gramophones were smaller. play_circle pause_circle
They were plastic and wood. play_circle pause_circle
The plastic was bright and colourful. play_circle pause_circle
The discs were plastic, too, and they were big. play_circle pause_circle
Later, people invented a smaller plastic disc. play_circle pause_circle
It was the CD. play_circle pause_circle
You can play a CD on a small machine. play_circle pause_circle
This is a CD player. play_circle pause_circle
You can easily use this in your bedroom. play_circle pause_circle
This is a very small machine. play_circle pause_circle
It's an iPod*. play_circle pause_circle
People can listen to music in the street or on the bus. play_circle pause_circle
They use earphones. play_circle pause_circle
This boy is listening to a very big band and the music player is in his hands! play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle