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Unit 1

Lesson 2: Conversation

Hey! Look at this! play_circle pause_circle
Wow! What an amazing photo! play_circle pause_circle
Where is it? Do you know? play_circle pause_circle
Well, I'm not sure. It might be Switzerland. play_circle pause_circle
You could be right. play_circle pause_circle
What fantastic mountain peaks! play_circle pause_circle
And what beautiful snow! play_circle pause_circle
Brrr! bet it's cold in those mountains. play_circle pause_circle
Would you like to go there? play_circle pause_circle
Definitely. What a spectacular country! play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Heat in the Earth

Heat in the Earth play_circle pause_circle
The land of fire and ice play_circle pause_circle
Sunday 19th June play_circle pause_circle
Dad and I have just arrived in Iceland - the land of fire and ice! play_circle pause_circle
I am really looking forward to this holiday. play_circle pause_circle
I'm going to write everything down in this diary. play_circle pause_circle
When we were flying over the island we could see the volcanoes and the glaciers. play_circle pause_circle
None of the vlocanoes was erupting. play_circle pause_circle
I would like to see an eruption - it would be thrilling - but active volcanoes are dangerous. play_circle pause_circle
It's safer when they're quiet. play_circle pause_circle
Tomorrow we're going to Hekla. play_circle pause_circle
It's an active volcano but it hasn't erupted for several years. play_circle pause_circle
Monday 20th June play_circle pause_circle
Today we climbed to the top Hekla. play_circle pause_circle
We didn't go into the crater, though. play_circle pause_circle
There was snow on the ground but in some places the rocks were warm. play_circle pause_circle
The snow was melting and the rocks were steaming. play_circle pause_circle
Our guide picked up a small rock and told us about it. play_circle pause_circle
When the volcano erupts, the rock from deep under the ground comes out of the volcano. play_circle pause_circle
The rock is so hot that it is liquid. play_circle pause_circle
It runs down the sides of the volcano, then it cools and goes hard. play_circle pause_circle
It's called lava. It isn't smooth at all. play_circle pause_circle
It feels very rough and a bit sharp. You can easily cut yourself on it. play_circle pause_circle
Our guide's name is Ari. play_circle pause_circle
In the hotel this evening he drew a diagram of what Hekla looks like inside. play_circle pause_circle
Now I understand why the ground was hot. play_circle pause_circle
There is liquid rock down there - now! play_circle pause_circle
Ari showed us pictures of Hekla erupting. play_circle pause_circle
He let me keep this one. He is very nice. play_circle pause_circle
He's a student at the moment but he's going to be a geologist. play_circle pause_circle
He knows a lot about rocks and everything about the volcanoes in lceland. play_circle pause_circle
Tuesday 21st June play_circle pause_circle
Today we saw a geyser - that's a kind of hot spring. play_circle pause_circle
About every ten minutes hot water went shooting up from the ground like a huge fountain. play_circle pause_circle
It was fantastic. play_circle pause_circle
The water underground is heated by the hot rocks. play_circle pause_circle
First it bubbles then when it gets really hot it suddenly goes up about 10 metres high. play_circle pause_circle
Whoosh! What incredible power! play_circle pause_circle
Dad took this picture. play_circle pause_circle
Wednesday 22nd June play_circle pause_circle
We went to a really strange place today. play_circle pause_circle
We went to the top of a volcano, then we went down inside. play_circle pause_circle
The ground was steaming and there were lots of hot springs. play_circle pause_circle
Sometimes these springs are boiling hot so you must be careful. play_circle pause_circle
There were noisy pools of hot bubbling mud, too! play_circle pause_circle
They're called mud pots. What weird sounds! play_circle pause_circle
A long time ago people believed in dragons and monsters. play_circle pause_circle
They thought they lived in volcanoes and now I know why. play_circle pause_circle
The noises sounded like terrifying monsters under our feet. play_circle pause_circle
What a peculiar place! play_circle pause_circle
Monsters under ground play_circle pause_circle
Thursday 24th June play_circle pause_circle
Today was terrific fun. We went to a gigantic pool outside. play_circle pause_circle
I thought the water would be freezing cold but it was like being in a warm bath! play_circle pause_circle
It was brilliant. play_circle pause_circle
A hot spring feeds the pool. play_circle pause_circle
It's like having a hot tap running all the time so the pool never geos cold. play_circle pause_circle
I wanted to stay all day. play_circle pause_circle
Tomorrow Ari's taking us to a glacier. play_circle pause_circle
This is the best holiday ever! play_circle pause_circle
Me and dad in the warm pool play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle