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Unit 10

Lesson 2: Conversation

Alex ... play_circle pause_circle
Yes? play_circle pause_circle
I'm feeling a bit fed up. play_circle pause_circle
Why? play_circle pause_circle
I wish I could have a pet. I want a dog so much. play_circle pause_circle
You can't have a dog. We live in a apartment. play_circle pause_circle
Well, I wish we didn't live in an apartment. Alex... play_circle pause_circle
What's the matter now? play_circle pause_circle
I hate my hair. I wish I had beautiful hair. play_circle pause_circle
Your hair's Ok. Don't be silly. play_circle pause_circle
Alex ... play_circle pause_circle
Now what? play_circle pause_circle
I wish I was older and taller and prettier and... play_circle pause_circle
And I wish I could watch this programme in peace! play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Forest plants and trees

Forest plants and trees play_circle pause_circle
Plants in medicine play_circle pause_circle
Cures from around the world play_circle pause_circle
People have been using plants to make medicines for thousands of years. play_circle pause_circle
Modern scientists still use plants to make medicines. play_circle pause_circle
Some medicines can cure very serious illnesses. play_circle pause_circle
Many plants for new medicines are found in rainforests. play_circle pause_circle
Unfortunately, forests are destroyed so fast that some plants might disappear before they have been discovered. play_circle pause_circle
Many people wish that the forests could be better protected. play_circle pause_circle
Madagascar - rosy periwinkle play_circle pause_circle
This plant grows in the rainforest. All parts of the plant are used. play_circle pause_circle
The rosy periwinkle is used to treat a serious fever that can kill. play_circle pause_circle
It is also used to treat a disease of the blood which some children have. play_circle pause_circle
Nigeria and West Africa - bitter kola play_circle pause_circle
The seed is inside the fruit. play_circle pause_circle
The tree grows up to 30 metres tall in warm, damp rain forests. play_circle pause_circle
These are the leaves and fruit of the bitter kola tree. play_circle pause_circle
The seeds can be used to treat sore throats. play_circle pause_circle
Recently they have been used to treat very dangerous fevers. play_circle pause_circle
North East India - serpentine root play_circle pause_circle
It grows in forest clearings. The roots and leaves are used. play_circle pause_circle
This plant is used to treat pains in the bones. play_circle pause_circle
It is also used to treat a person who is anxious and nervous. play_circle pause_circle
North America, Europe, Asia - willow play_circle pause_circle
Its favourite habitat is near rivers and streams. play_circle pause_circle
The bark from the trunk is used. play_circle pause_circle
The bark is used to make tablets. play_circle pause_circle
Some people with heart disease take one tablet a day. play_circle pause_circle
This helps their hearts to work well and to keep their blood flowing normally. play_circle pause_circle
South America - Cinchona tree play_circle pause_circle
It grows on slopes of the Andes mountaind in th Amazon rainforest. play_circle pause_circle
It has white, pink or yellow flowers. play_circle pause_circle
The wood of this tree and bark from the trunk are used to treat fever and pain, to calm nervous people and to kill germs. play_circle pause_circle
Europe, Asia - poppy play_circle pause_circle
This plant is grown in large fields. play_circle pause_circle
Poppies are grown to make a very strong painkiller. play_circle pause_circle
Immediately after an operation, patients are given this painkiller to help them feel better to get stronger. play_circle pause_circle
The life cycle of a plant play_circle pause_circle
The seed lies on the earth. play_circle pause_circle
The seed cracks open. Tiny shoots appear. play_circle pause_circle
On shoot grows up to the light. One shoot goes down. play_circle pause_circle
The first leaves appear. The roots grow. play_circle pause_circle
The stem grows longer and stronger. play_circle pause_circle
A bud begins to grow on the stem. play_circle pause_circle
The petals unfold and the flower opens. play_circle pause_circle
The seeds form in the flower. The flower dies. play_circle pause_circle
The seeds drop down onto the earth. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle