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Unit 8

Lesson 2: Conversation

Are you ready? Have you got the picture, Holly? OK... Off you go! play_circle pause_circle
Today we're at Greenfields Park in the centre of town. play_circle pause_circle
As you can see, it's a vast green space but soon it may look very different.Yes, in six months' time this beautiful park may be lost forever. play_circle pause_circle
It might become a noisy, dirty building site. play_circle pause_circle
This is where the council wants to build our new town library. play_circle pause_circle
And what a library it is! play_circle pause_circle
You must hold up the picture, Holly! play_circle pause_circle
Oh, yes! Sorry! play_circle pause_circle
The library will be built mainly of glass and steel. play_circle pause_circle
We certainly need a new library but not everyone in the town is happy with this location or the proposed design. play_circle pause_circle
Some people feel that such a modern building should not be built next to the traditional stone buildings in the centre of town. play_circle pause_circle
Others say that we ought not to build on the precious open spaces in our town. play_circle pause_circle
So will Hampton get its new library? It might... play_circle pause_circle
Or it might not... play_circle pause_circle
Great! That was brilliant! Well done! play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson 2: Conversation

Wow! Look at this skyscraper. It's so high. play_circle pause_circle
How many stories has it got? play_circle pause_circle
I'm not sure. 30, 40, I'd love to live on the top floor. Imagine the views.And imagine all the stairs you'd have to climb if the lift wasn't working. I wouldn't like to live up there. I don't think buildings should be so tall. play_circle pause_circle
Mm...How about these then? They're all kind thin play_circle pause_circle
Certainly not they all look the same boring. play_circle pause_circle
You'll like this house I expect. play_circle pause_circle
Oh yes, that a lovely traditional house. play_circle pause_circle
Mm… play_circle pause_circle
What's the matter? Don't you like it? play_circle pause_circle
Well, it looks like an old house but in fact it's only a few years old. I think that's a bit strange. If you're going to build a modern house it should look modern. play_circle pause_circle
Well maybe. play_circle pause_circle
Now this is more like it very modern lots of glass. We want to have more houses like this in our town. play_circle pause_circle
You've got to be joking. play_circle pause_circle
No! I'm deadly serious. play_circle pause_circle
But the houses in our town are all old and made of stone or brick. They definitely Shouldn't build anything like that here. play_circle pause_circle
What's that last picture? play_circle pause_circle
Mm…you might not like this one. play_circle pause_circle
Show me! Oh, what is it? It looks like a palace. play_circle pause_circle
Exactly I love it. It must be wonderful to live in a house like that. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson Heading

Wildlife World play_circle pause_circle
Member's view play_circle pause_circle
This month we're posting this opinion from 16-year-old WW member, Julie Smith:keep away from zoos-keep wildlife wild play_circle pause_circle
When I was younger, I used to like going to zoos. play_circle pause_circle
It was really great seeing animals close up. play_circle pause_circle
As I have grown older, I have begun to realise precisely what sort of existence the animals have and I don't visit zoos anymore.unnatural habitat play_circle pause_circle
Animals in zoos are not free. They can't go where they like. play_circle pause_circle
They can't live in a natural family group. play_circle pause_circle
The best zoos try to give the animals the most natural habitat that they can, but a truly natural habitat is impossible.Lions born in captivity never learn to hunt. play_circle pause_circle
They can't use any of their natural instincts and, in my view, that is cruel.animal stress play_circle pause_circle
Unless you understand animal behaviour, you will not notice animal stress.When you see a tiger walking up and down, you might notice how strong and dangerous it looks.You may not know that this continual pacing, panting and pounding of paws is a sign of stress from boredom and from isolation.It is not natural behaviour. Tigers do not do this in the wild. play_circle pause_circle
exploitation play_circle pause_circle
Many zoos use animals to entertain visitors and to make money. play_circle pause_circle
If people think that it's OK to treat animals in this way, they will not try to help animals in the wild.They will think that it doesn't matter what happens to animal habitats.action for wildlife play_circle pause_circle
I'm a member of Wildlife World because I think that wild animals should be just that - wild.I tell all my friends and my brother and sisters about zoos. play_circle pause_circle
I explain why they shouldn't go to them. play_circle pause_circle
Tell your friends and family, too play_circle pause_circle
Animals have a place in our lives and they ought to have a place in the world. play_circle pause_circle
Do people need to occupy every corner of the world? play_circle pause_circle
We probably could - but I'm convinced that we mustn't! play_circle pause_circle
What do you think? Go to Members log-in. Post a response to Julie's views. play_circle pause_circle
I totally agree about the stress animals suffer when they are kept in cages. play_circle pause_circle
It's unbelievably cruel and shouldn't be allowed, especially not for entertainment. play_circle pause_circle
Sam 2 hours ago play_circle pause_circle
You're right, Julie! Well said! People must be told the real facts about zoos. play_circle pause_circle
Unless people get the right information, they will go on visiting them and they won't understand that these wild animals should be free. play_circle pause_circle
Linda 4 hours ago play_circle pause_circle
I agree that zoos should be banned. play_circle pause_circle
Putting animals in these prisons is a disgrace. play_circle pause_circle
The idea that we need zoos to learn about animals is incorrect. play_circle pause_circle
We can find out about animals in books, on TV and on the internet. play_circle pause_circle
Amanda 10 hours ago play_circle pause_circle
Zoos must be abolished! play_circle pause_circle
They're unkind, unfair and completely unnecessary. Get rid of them! play_circle pause_circle
Then let's get rid of all the circuses. play_circle pause_circle
Animals for entertainment? No thanks!!! play_circle pause_circle
Jeff 1 day play_circle pause_circle
Wildlife World T-shirt You can order from the WW website All sizes available play_circle pause_circle
WW Membership offer play_circle pause_circle
Become a member of Wildlife World this month at half price! play_circle pause_circle
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Receive a log-in password to the members blog exchange news and views. play_circle pause_circle
Get a WW T-shirt free! Go to www.WW.gb/members play_circle pause_circle
Take a wildlife holiday play_circle pause_circle
Wildlife in action! See animals in their natural habitats. play_circle pause_circle
Choose from places all around the world. play_circle pause_circle
Visit www.WW.gb/wildlifeholidays play_circle pause_circle
Related links play_circle pause_circle
Help protect sea creatures www.nova-atlantis.org play_circle pause_circle
School wildlife projects www.wildlifeschool.com play_circle pause_circle
Support wildlife in city parks www.cityparks.com play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle