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Unit 2

Lesson 2: Conversation

Oh dear... play_circle pause_circle
What's the matter? You look worried. play_circle pause_circle
I'm feeling nervous. play_circle pause_circle
Why? play_circle pause_circle
I have to take my science exam today. play_circle pause_circle
Really? play_circle pause_circle
I had to study for hours last night. play_circle pause_circle
Poor you! play_circle pause_circle
I'm sure I won't pass. play_circle pause_circle
It'll be fine. play_circle pause_circle
If I fail, I'll have to take it again next month. play_circle pause_circle
Don't worry! Just keep calm. play_circle pause_circle
Oh dear... play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

In the mountains

In the mountains play_circle pause_circle
Dad's favourite walk play_circle pause_circle
My dad used to live in Switzerland and he worked as a mountain guide. play_circle pause_circle
This summer Dad wanted to visit Switzerland again. play_circle pause_circle
In July travelled to the mountains with Mum, Dad and my twin brother Fred. play_circle pause_circle
We stayed in a hotel in a little village and we had a great time. play_circle pause_circle
One day Dad took us on his favourite walk. play_circle pause_circle
First, we followed a narrow path through a meadow. play_circle pause_circle
There were lots of flowers and there were goats with bells round their necks. play_circle pause_circle
They tinkled when the goats moved. play_circle pause_circle
After that, the path went through a forest. It was shady and quiet. play_circle pause_circle
It reminded me of Red Riding Hood but I didn't see a wolf! play_circle pause_circle
After the forest, the path climbed steeply towards the mountain peaks. play_circle pause_circle
It led between huge rocks and then the walk became a real adventure. play_circle pause_circle
Dad had some surprises for us. play_circle pause_circle
We walked into a deep, narrow ravine. play_circle pause_circle
We could hear the river splashing over the rocks at the bottom. play_circle pause_circle
While we were walking, we heard a distant roar. play_circle pause_circle
Gradually, it got louder. play_circle pause_circle
We walked round a massive boulder and there was the most amazing sight. play_circle pause_circle
Water was falling straight down the mountain and crashing onto the rocks below us. play_circle pause_circle
The sound was incredible. play_circle pause_circle
A waterfall really does roar. It sounded like an angry beast. play_circle pause_circle
We couldn't hear each other at all. play_circle pause_circle
Dad beckoned to us and we followed him. play_circle pause_circle
The path led behind the waterfall. It was amazing. play_circle pause_circle
On the left of the path was the mountainside and on the right was falling water. play_circle pause_circle
I thought it was fantastic but it was a bit scary, too. play_circle pause_circle
It was quite dark and very noisy. play_circle pause_circle
The path came out from behind the waterfall but round the corner it stopped at the edge of a high cliff. play_circle pause_circle
There was a short wooden bridge with rope at the sides and it was swinging in the breeze. play_circle pause_circle
It looked terrifying but Dad knew it was safe. play_circle pause_circle
Anyway, it was the only way to cross the ravine. play_circle pause_circle
The bridge swung even more when we walked on it. play_circle pause_circle
We walked slowly to keep steady. play_circle pause_circle
Fred and I thought it was fun but Dad had to help Mum. play_circle pause_circle
She is frightened of high places. She walked with her eyes shut! play_circle pause_circle
We sat on the rocks and ate our lunch. Then we set off again. play_circle pause_circle
We climbed higher and higher. play_circle pause_circle
After an hour our legs were aching but at last we came to the best place on the whole mountain. play_circle pause_circle
It was a huge glacier and it looked like a frozen river of ice. play_circle pause_circle
There were lots of other people there too. There was a cave in the ice. play_circle pause_circle
There were rooms in the cave and ice furniture. play_circle pause_circle
Fred sat on the ice chair and played the ice piano. It was funny! play_circle pause_circle
The last surprise of all was a ride down to the hotel on the little mountain train. play_circle pause_circle
We were exhausted but it was a brilliant walk. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle