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Unit 3

Lets put on a play

Let's put on a play! play_circle pause_circle
Part 3: The costumes play_circle pause_circle
Here are your costumes for the play, children. Come and see! play_circle pause_circle
Is this my costume? play_circle pause_circle
Yes, it is. play_circle pause_circle
Is this my dress? It's pretty. play_circle pause_circle
Here's my swan costume. Look at my orange beak. play_circle pause_circle
You're the ugly duckling, Alfie. Here you are. play_circle pause_circle
Thank you, Miss Carey. play_circle pause_circle
Let's put on our costumes! play_circle pause_circle
Oh no! Look at my dress! It's much too long. play_circle pause_circle
My hat is too small. I look ridiculous. play_circle pause_circle
I look more ridiculous than you. Look at my feet! play_circle pause_circle
Oh dear! They're much too big! play_circle pause_circle
And I haven't got any wings! play_circle pause_circle
This play is a disaster! play_circle pause_circle
First we've got thousands of scripts. play_circle pause_circle
And now our costumes don't fit. play_circle pause_circle
What next? play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson 2: Conversation

I'm ten. play_circle pause_circle
Me, too. play_circle pause_circle
You're as old as me but you're not as clever as me. play_circle pause_circle
Yes, I am. play_circle pause_circle
No, you're not. play_circle pause_circle
I'm as tall as you. play_circle pause_circle
Yes, but you're not as strong as me. play_circle pause_circle
Yes, I am. play_circle pause_circle
No, you're not. play_circle pause_circle
You're not as funny as me. play_circle pause_circle
Yes, I am. play_circle pause_circle
No, you're not, not, not, not, not! play_circle pause_circle
Stop arguing, you two! You're both as silly as each other. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson Heading

Birds of the oceans and lakes play_circle pause_circle
Ocean birds play_circle pause_circle
Albatross play_circle pause_circle
Albatrosses are the most amazing travellers. play_circle pause_circle
The great albatross has the longest wings in the world and it can fly 400 kilometres in a day. play_circle pause_circle
Albatrosses can grab fish from the sea easily because they have hooked beaks. play_circle pause_circle
They can dive under the water and some of them can dive down 12 metres. play_circle pause_circle
Albatrosses live for 50-60 years. play_circle pause_circle
Unfortunately, these beautiful birds are in danger. play_circle pause_circle
Fishing boats pull huge nets through the ocean. play_circle pause_circle
The nets trap many albatrosses when they dive in the water and the birds drown. play_circle pause_circle
More than 100,000 albatrosses die in this way every year. play_circle pause_circle
An albatross chick stays on land for 9 months. play_circle pause_circle
Penguin play_circle pause_circle
Some penguins live in very cold places. play_circle pause_circle
Others live in warm places. play_circle pause_circle
The Emperor penguin is the tallest. It is 110 cm tall. play_circle pause_circle
The smallest is the Little Blue penguin. It is only 40 cm tall. play_circle pause_circle
Penguins can see well underwater so they can catch fish in the ocean. play_circle pause_circle
The Emperor penguin can dive down 565 m and it can stay underwater for 20 minutes. play_circle pause_circle
Small feathers trap air and keep the bird warm. play_circle pause_circle
Penguins cannot fly but they are excellent swimmers. play_circle pause_circle
Lake and river birds play_circle pause_circle
Swan play_circle pause_circle
Swans build the most enormous nests in plants near the water. play_circle pause_circle
The mother and father birds build a nest from twigs and small branches. play_circle pause_circle
They stay together for life. play_circle pause_circle
The mother bird lays 4-7 eggs. play_circle pause_circle
A baby swan is a cygnet. play_circle pause_circle
The parents can carry the cygnets on their backs when they are very young. play_circle pause_circle
These wide, flat feet help the swan to swim. play_circle pause_circle
Many water birds have webbed feet like these. play_circle pause_circle
Swans live on rivers and small lakes. play_circle pause_circle
Usually, they are white but sometimes swans have black heads and necks. play_circle pause_circle
The young cygnets are grey. play_circle pause_circle
They are not as beautiful as the adult birds but slowly their white feathers appear. play_circle pause_circle
After a year, they are as strong and graceful as their parents. play_circle pause_circle
Goose play_circle pause_circle
A baby goose is a gosling. play_circle pause_circle
The plural of goose is geese. play_circle pause_circle
Many geese are wild but you can see geese on farms, too. play_circle pause_circle
They live near water. play_circle pause_circle
They can swim well and they can fly over the land. play_circle pause_circle
When they fly together they make a huge V in the sky. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle