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Unit 4

Let's put on a play!

Let's put on a play! play_circle pause_circle
Part 4: Everything's falling down! play_circle pause_circle
Open the curtains, please! play_circle pause_circle
Yes, Miss Carey! play_circle pause_circle
Today we're going to put our scenery on the stage. play_circle pause_circle
What about our props? play_circle pause_circle
I've got the duck's nest. I made it from twigs and reeds. play_circle pause_circle
And here are the eggs. play_circle pause_circle
They're not eggs! They're yellow tennis balls. play_circle pause_circle
Oh dear! play_circle pause_circle
Here are the trees. play_circle pause_circle
Who painted them pink and blue? play_circle pause_circle
Oh dear, oh dear! play_circle pause_circle
And here is the kind man's house. play_circle pause_circle
It looks great! play_circle pause_circle
Can you open the door, Max? play_circle pause_circle
No, I can't. play_circle pause_circle
Push! Push! play_circle pause_circle
Help! It's falling down! play_circle pause_circle
And the trees are falling down! play_circle pause_circle
Everything's falling down! play_circle pause_circle
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Lesson 2: Conversation

What's that noise? play_circle pause_circle
I can't hear anything, Miss. play_circle pause_circle
There's something in your pocket. play_circle pause_circle
No, Miss, there's nothing there. play_circle pause_circle
Empty your pocket. Put everything on the desk. play_circle pause_circle
Some sweets..a rubber..a toy car.. play_circle pause_circle
Aha! What about your other pocket? Is there anything in there? play_circle pause_circle
NO, Miss, nothing. Look! play_circle pause_circle
I don't understand. What is that noise? play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle

Making things we use

Making things we use play_circle pause_circle
Pots play_circle pause_circle
This potter makes: plates, cups, bowls, vases and lots of different pots, of course. play_circle pause_circle
He uses clay and he has a special wheel. play_circle pause_circle
1- First he cuts the clay. It is heavy and sticky. play_circle pause_circle
2- Then he pushes and pulls the clay. He makes a large, smooth lump. play_circle pause_circle
3- Next he throws the clay onto the wheel. He throws the clay hard because it must stick onto the wheel. play_circle pause_circle
4- He makes the wheel turn slowly and he shapes the clay. play_circle pause_circle
5- Gradually, he turns the wheel faster. Carefully, he pulls up the sides of the pot. play_circle pause_circle
6- When the pot is a good shap the potter cuts it off the wheel. play_circle pause_circle
7- He dries the pot slowly. Sometimes he bakes his pots in a big oven. play_circle pause_circle
8- Finally, he paints the pot. play_circle pause_circle
The pot is shiny and it has beautiful colours. play_circle pause_circle
Potters also make coil pots and pinch pots. play_circle pause_circle
They do not use a wheel to make these pots. play_circle pause_circle
Cloth play_circle pause_circle
This weaver is making cloth. play_circle pause_circle
She is using wool and a loom. play_circle pause_circle
The threads on the loom go from the top to the bottom. play_circle pause_circle
The weaver pushes the wool between the threads. play_circle pause_circle
Baskets play_circle pause_circle
People all over the world make baskets. play_circle pause_circle
This woman is weaving reeds together. play_circle pause_circle
Some people cut long, straight twigs. play_circle pause_circle
They are not as soft as reeds so they cut the twigs with sharp knives. play_circle pause_circle
Candles play_circle pause_circle
Candle makers dip string into hot wax. play_circle pause_circle
They wax goes cold and hard. play_circle pause_circle
They do this lots of times and the candle gets fatter and fatter. play_circle pause_circle
Sometimes they heat the wax then they pour it into metal or plastic moulds. play_circle pause_circle
The wax cools. play_circle pause_circle
When the wax is cold and hard, they open the mould and take out the candle. play_circle pause_circle
Candlelight makes everything look pretty. play_circle pause_circle
Listen 5 times play_circle pause_circle